New and noteworthy
Visit can specify required vehicles
Added capability to specify vehicles required by a visit. When set, the visit can be assigned only to a shift of one of the specified vehicles. More information can be found in Visit assignment restrictions.
Visit dependency coordination
Added VisitDependency
capability to specify additional conditions between dependent visits, such as requiring both visits to be assigned to the same vehicle (not the same vehicle shift).
More information can be found in Visit dependency with coordination.
Visit group alignment
When defining Visit Groups, you can now specify they need to be aligned at the end of the Visit. You can use this if two or more technicians need to be present for a Visit at the end of the job. E.g. both technicians need to be present to finish the task after preparation work was done by one of them.
More information can be found in Visit Group reference.
Visit dependency minDelayTo
Added VisitDependency
capability to specify a delay to the next day/week/day-of-week, more information can be found in Dependencies between visits.
0.20.0 is backward compatible with 0.19.0 and no migration is required.
Local date time replaced by date time with offset to UTC
All ISO 8601 "Local date time (unqualified)" types have been replaced by ISO 8601 "Local date time with offset to UTC" (Coordinated Universal Time) to support multiple time zones.
Please see migrating from 0.17.0 to 0.18.0 and Time zones and daylight-saving time (DST) for additional details.