
Models on the Timefold Platform help solve specific planning problems. Here we explain what documentation is available, mention demo data, how models are versioned, and which maturity levels we define.


Each model has a Documentation section that helps you understand if they are the right solution for you, as well as how to use the model.

  • The Overview page explains what type of problems the model can be used for and which features it supports.

  • The User guide pages include documentation that show you how to get started and explain the concepts of a model.

  • The API spec interface gives a complete overview of the model’s API. Models use the OpenAPI standards.

  • The cURL instructions page lists the most important API endpoints together with a cURL example for how to use them.

Demo data

Each model comes with demo data. You can fetch this demo data via the model’s API, or you can use the platform’s UI to start a run with demo data. Doing a run with this demo data will give you good insight into the models' working and the supported constraints. The visualization of the model will show you the optimized planning solution. Demo data is an ideal way to get to know a model.

Model Versioning

The Timefold Platform can run multiple versions of models. The version of a model is indicated on the Platform Dashboard page, as well as on the Model’s Overview page. The model’s version represents an API contract, meaning that integrations will not break as long as a model’s version stays the same.

Maturity Levels

Each version of the model includes the maturity of the model on the Dashboard and Model overview pages. We have defined the following maturity levels:


Example models are usually the first version of a model. The main purpose of these models is to showcase a given use case in action and serve as technology proof-points.


Experimental models are models that are actively worked on to assess its features and provide quick access to its capability. They are likely to change a lot.


Models that have been mostly developed, but still need to be tested are labeled Preview. They are offered to early adopters to provide feedback on as we refine the features. At this stage some backward incompatible changes can still be introduced.


These models are considered enterprise-ready. They have been developed and released under a given version number. Stability brings guarantees of backward compatibility so you can expect the model to behave consistently with new releases.


Models with this label are no longer supported on the platform, and will soon be removed.

Models will typically start as examples or experimental and become stable over time.