Installation of Grafana Cloud in Timefold managed Kubernetes clusters
Login to Grafana Cloud Timefold account and follow the steps to prepare installation
In step
4. Deploy Monitoring Resources on the Cluster
copy the values for helm chart and save it into a file calledgrafana-values.yaml
The content for that file should be extracted from the command - all that is within <<EOF ... EOF
Create new file
and add following rules into itdiscovery.relabel "timefold_orbit_backend_pods" { targets = discovery.kubernetes.pods.targets // Gets all pods that have label ai.timefold/component set to backend rule { source_labels = ["__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_ai_timefold_component"] regex = "backend" action = "keep" } } prometheus.scrape "timefold_orbit_backend" { targets = discovery.relabel.timefold_orbit_backend_pods.output metrics_path = "/q/metrics" forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.timefold_orbit.receiver] } prometheus.relabel "timefold_orbit" { rule { source_labels = ["__name__"] regex = "pod.*|namespace.*|container.*|cluster|up|timefold.*|jvm.*|http.*|worker.*|process.*" action = "keep" } rule { source_labels = ["instance"] regex = ".*" replacement = "NAME_OF_THE_CLUSTER" target_label = "cluster" } forward_to = [prometheus.remote_write.metrics_service.receiver] }
file with the same name used in Grafana agent configuration.This defines processing rules to collect metrics from Timefold Platform pods. Currently focuses on backend components as the metrics path is set to
. In case other components will expose metrics new rules will have to be added. -
Install the Grafana Agent into the cluster with following command
helm repo add grafana && helm repo update && helm upgrade --install --atomic --timeout 120s grafana-k8s-monitoring grafana/k8s-monitoring --namespace "grafana" --create-namespace --values grafana-values.yaml --set-file extraConfig=processor_config.river