Vehicle Routing Quick Start Guide

This guide walks you through the process of creating a Vehicle Routing application with Quarkus and Timefold's constraint solving Artificial Intelligence (AI).

1. What you will build

You will build a REST application that optimizes a Vehicle Route Problem (VRP):


Your service will assign Vist instances to Vehicle instances automatically by using AI to adhere to hard and soft scheduling constraints, such as the following examples:

  • The demand for a vehicle cannot exceed its capacity.

  • The deliveries have specific deadlines that must be met.

  • The less total travel time, the better.

Mathematically speaking, VRP is an NP-hard problem. This means it is difficult to scale. Simply brute force iterating through all possible combinations takes millions of years for a non-trivial dataset, even on a supercomputer. Luckily, AI constraint solvers such as Timefold Solver have advanced algorithms that deliver a near-optimal solution in a reasonable amount of time.

2. Solution source code

Follow the instructions in the next sections to create the application step by step (recommended).

Alternatively, you can also skip right to the completed example:

  1. Clone the Git repository:

    $ git clone

    or download an archive.

  2. Find the solution in the java directory and run it (see its README file).

3. Prerequisites

To complete this guide, you need:

  • JDK 17+ with JAVA_HOME configured appropriately. For example with Sdkman:

    $ curl -s "" | bash
    $ sdk install java
  • Apache Maven 3.9.2+

  • An IDE, such as IntelliJ IDEA, VSCode or Eclipse

4. The build file and the dependencies

Use to generate an application with the following extensions, for Maven or Gradle:

  • RESTEasy JAX-RS (quarkus-resteasy)

  • RESTEasy Jackson (quarkus-resteasy-jackson)

  • Timefold Solver (timefold-solver-quarkus)

  • Timefold Solver Jackson (timefold-solver-quarkus-jackson)

Your pom.xml file has the following content:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""




        <!-- Alternatively, use <artifactId>quarkus-universe-bom</artifactId>
         which includes both quarkus-bom and timefold-solver-bom. -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""




        <!-- Alternatively, use <artifactId>quarkus-universe-bom</artifactId>
         which includes both quarkus-bom and timefold-solver-bom. -->


5. Model the domain objects

Your goal is to assign each visit to a vehicle. You will create these classes:


5.1. Location

The Location class is used to represent the destination for deliveries or the home location for vehicles.

  • Java

  • Kotlin

Create the src/main/java/org/acme/vehiclerouting/domain/ class:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain;

import java.util.Map;

public class Location {

    private double latitude;
    private double longitude;

    private Map<Location, Long> drivingTimeSeconds;

    public Location(double latitude, double longitude) {
        this.latitude = latitude;
        this.longitude = longitude;

    public double getLatitude() {
        return latitude;

    public double getLongitude() {
        return longitude;

    public Map<Location, Long> getDrivingTimeSeconds() {
        return drivingTimeSeconds;

    public void setDrivingTimeSeconds(Map<Location, Long> drivingTimeSeconds) {
        this.drivingTimeSeconds = drivingTimeSeconds;

    public long getDrivingTimeTo(Location location) {
        return drivingTimeSeconds.get(location);

Create the src/main/kotlin/org/acme/vehiclerouting/domain/Location.kt class:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain

class Location @JsonCreator constructor(val latitude: Double, val longitude: Double) {
    var drivingTimeSeconds: Map<Location, Long>? = null

    fun getDrivingTimeTo(location: Location): Long {
        if (drivingTimeSeconds == null) {
            return 0
        return drivingTimeSeconds!![location]!!

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "$latitude,$longitude"

5.2. Vehicle

Vehicle has a defined route plan with scheduled visits to make. Each vehicle has a specific departure time and starting location. It returns to its home location after completing the route and has a maximum capacity that must not be exceeded.

During solving, Timefold Solver updates the visits field of the Vehicle class to assign a list of visits. Because Timefold Solver changes this field, Vehicle is a planning entity:


Based on the diagram, the visits field is a genuine variable that changes during the solving process. To ensure that Timefold Solver recognizes it as a sequence of connected variables, the field must have an @PlanningListVariable annotation indicating that the solver can distribute a subset of the available visits to it. The objective is to create an ordered scheduled visit plan for each vehicle.

  • Java

  • Kotlin

Create the src/main/java/org/acme/vehiclerouting/domain/ class:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain;

import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.entity.PlanningEntity;
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.lookup.PlanningId;
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.variable.PlanningListVariable;

public class Vehicle {

    private String id;
    private int capacity;
    private Location homeLocation;

    private LocalDateTime departureTime;

    private List<Visit> visits;

    public Vehicle() {

    public Vehicle(String id, int capacity, Location homeLocation, LocalDateTime departureTime) { = id;
        this.capacity = capacity;
        this.homeLocation = homeLocation;
        this.departureTime = departureTime;
        this.visits = new ArrayList<>();

    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(String id) { = id;

    public int getCapacity() {
        return capacity;

    public void setCapacity(int capacity) {
        this.capacity = capacity;

    public Location getHomeLocation() {
        return homeLocation;

    public void setHomeLocation(Location homeLocation) {
        this.homeLocation = homeLocation;

    public LocalDateTime getDepartureTime() {
        return departureTime;

    public List<Visit> getVisits() {
        return visits;

    public void setVisits(List<Visit> visits) {
        this.visits = visits;

    public int getTotalDemand() {
        int totalDemand = 0;
        for (Visit visit : visits) {
            totalDemand += visit.getDemand();
        return totalDemand;

    public long getTotalDrivingTimeSeconds() {
        if (visits.isEmpty()) {
            return 0;

        long totalDrivingTime = 0;
        Location previousLocation = homeLocation;

        for (Visit visit : visits) {
            totalDrivingTime += previousLocation.getDrivingTimeTo(visit.getLocation());
            previousLocation = visit.getLocation();
        totalDrivingTime += previousLocation.getDrivingTimeTo(homeLocation);

        return totalDrivingTime;

    public String toString() {
        return id;

Create the src/main/kotlin/org/acme/vehiclerouting/domain/Vehicle.kt class:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain

import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.util.ArrayList

import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.entity.PlanningEntity
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.lookup.PlanningId
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.variable.PlanningListVariable

class Vehicle {
    lateinit var id: String
    var capacity: Int = 0
    lateinit var homeLocation: Location
    lateinit var departureTime: LocalDateTime

    var visits: List<Visit>? = null


    constructor(id: String, capacity: Int, homeLocation: Location, departureTime: LocalDateTime) { = id
        this.capacity = capacity
        this.homeLocation = homeLocation
        this.departureTime = departureTime
        this.visits = ArrayList()

    val totalDemand: Long
        get() {
            var totalDemand = 0L
            for (visit in visits!!) {
                totalDemand += visit.demand
            return totalDemand

    val totalDrivingTimeSeconds: Long
        get() {
            if (visits!!.isEmpty()) {
                return 0

            var totalDrivingTime: Long = 0
            var previousLocation = homeLocation

            for (visit in visits!!) {
                totalDrivingTime += previousLocation.getDrivingTimeTo(visit.location!!)
                previousLocation = visit.location!!
            totalDrivingTime += previousLocation.getDrivingTimeTo(homeLocation)

            return totalDrivingTime

    override fun toString(): String {
        return id

The Vehicle class has an @PlanningEntity annotation, so Timefold Solver knows that this class changes during solving because it contains one or more planning variables.

Notice the toString() method keeps the output short, so it is easier to read Timefold Solver’s DEBUG or TRACE log, as shown later.

Determining the @PlanningListVariable fields for an arbitrary constraint solving use case is often challenging the first time. Read the domain modeling guidelines to avoid common pitfalls.

5.3. Visit

The Visit class represents a delivery that needs to be made by vehicles. A visit includes a destination location, a delivery time window represented by [minStartTime, maxEndTime], a demand that needs to be fulfilled by the vehicle, and a service duration time.

  • Java

  • Kotlin

Create the src/main/java/org/acme/vehiclerouting/domain/ class:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;

import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.entity.PlanningEntity;
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.lookup.PlanningId;
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.variable.InverseRelationShadowVariable;
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.variable.NextElementShadowVariable;
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.variable.PreviousElementShadowVariable;
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.variable.ShadowVariable;

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.solver.ArrivalTimeUpdatingVariableListener;

public class Visit {

    private String id;
    private String name;
    private Location location;
    private int demand;
    private LocalDateTime minStartTime;
    private LocalDateTime maxEndTime;
    private Duration serviceDuration;

    private Vehicle vehicle;

    private Visit previousVisit;

    private Visit nextVisit;

    private LocalDateTime arrivalTime;

    public Visit() {

    public Visit(String id, String name, Location location, int demand,
                 LocalDateTime minStartTime, LocalDateTime maxEndTime, Duration serviceDuration) { = id; = name;
        this.location = location;
        this.demand = demand;
        this.minStartTime = minStartTime;
        this.maxEndTime = maxEndTime;
        this.serviceDuration = serviceDuration;

    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public Location getLocation() {
        return location;

    public void setLocation(Location location) {
        this.location = location;

    public int getDemand() {
        return demand;

    public void setDemand(int demand) {
        this.demand = demand;

    public LocalDateTime getMinStartTime() {
        return minStartTime;

    public LocalDateTime getMaxEndTime() {
        return maxEndTime;

    public Duration getServiceDuration() {
        return serviceDuration;

    @InverseRelationShadowVariable(sourceVariableName = "visits")
    public Vehicle getVehicle() {
        return vehicle;

    public void setVehicle(Vehicle vehicle) {
        this.vehicle = vehicle;

    @PreviousElementShadowVariable(sourceVariableName = "visits")
    public Visit getPreviousVisit() {
        return previousVisit;

    public void setPreviousVisit(Visit previousVisit) {
        this.previousVisit = previousVisit;

    @NextElementShadowVariable(sourceVariableName = "visits")
    public Visit getNextVisit() {
        return nextVisit;

    public void setNextVisit(Visit nextVisit) {
        this.nextVisit = nextVisit;

    @ShadowVariable(variableListenerClass = ArrivalTimeUpdatingVariableListener.class, sourceVariableName = "vehicle")
    @ShadowVariable(variableListenerClass = ArrivalTimeUpdatingVariableListener.class, sourceVariableName = "previousVisit")
    public LocalDateTime getArrivalTime() {
        return arrivalTime;

    public void setArrivalTime(LocalDateTime arrivalTime) {
        this.arrivalTime = arrivalTime;

    public LocalDateTime getDepartureTime() {
        if (arrivalTime == null) {
            return null;
        return getStartServiceTime().plus(serviceDuration);

    public LocalDateTime getStartServiceTime() {
        if (arrivalTime == null) {
            return null;
        return arrivalTime.isBefore(minStartTime) ? minStartTime : arrivalTime;

    public boolean isServiceFinishedAfterMaxEndTime() {
        return arrivalTime != null

    public long getServiceFinishedDelayInMinutes() {
        if (arrivalTime == null) {
            return 0;
        return Duration.between(maxEndTime,;

    public long getDrivingTimeSecondsFromPreviousStandstill() {
        if (vehicle == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "This method must not be called when the shadow variables are not initialized yet.");
        if (previousVisit == null) {
            return vehicle.getHomeLocation().getDrivingTimeTo(location);
        return previousVisit.getLocation().getDrivingTimeTo(location);

    public String toString() {
        return id;

Create the src/main/kotlin/org/acme/vehiclerouting/domain/Visit.kt class:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain

import java.time.Duration
import java.time.LocalDateTime

import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.entity.PlanningEntity
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.lookup.PlanningId
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.variable.InverseRelationShadowVariable
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.variable.NextElementShadowVariable
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.variable.PreviousElementShadowVariable
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.variable.ShadowVariable

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.solver.ArrivalTimeUpdatingVariableListener

class Visit {
    lateinit var id: String
    lateinit var name: String
    lateinit var location: Location
    var demand: Int = 0
    lateinit var minStartTime: LocalDateTime
    lateinit var maxEndTime: LocalDateTime
    lateinit var serviceDuration: Duration

    private var vehicle: Vehicle? = null

    @get:PreviousElementShadowVariable(sourceVariableName = "visits")
    var previousVisit: Visit? = null

    @get:NextElementShadowVariable(sourceVariableName = "visits")
    var nextVisit: Visit? = null

        variableListenerClass = ArrivalTimeUpdatingVariableListener::class,
        sourceVariableName = "previousVisit"
        variableListenerClass = ArrivalTimeUpdatingVariableListener::class,
        sourceVariableName = "vehicle"
    var arrivalTime: LocalDateTime? = null


        id: String, name: String, location: Location, demand: Int,
        minStartTime: LocalDateTime, maxEndTime: LocalDateTime, serviceDuration: Duration
    ) { = id = name
        this.location = location
        this.demand = demand
        this.minStartTime = minStartTime
        this.maxEndTime = maxEndTime
        this.serviceDuration = serviceDuration

    @InverseRelationShadowVariable(sourceVariableName = "visits")
    fun getVehicle(): Vehicle? {
        return vehicle

    fun setVehicle(vehicle: Vehicle?) {
        this.vehicle = vehicle

    val departureTime: LocalDateTime?
        get() {
            if (arrivalTime == null) {
                return null
            return startServiceTime!!.plus(serviceDuration)

    val startServiceTime: LocalDateTime?
        get() {
            if (arrivalTime == null) {
                return null
            return if (arrivalTime!!.isBefore(minStartTime)) minStartTime else arrivalTime

    val isServiceFinishedAfterMaxEndTime: Boolean
        get() = (arrivalTime != null
                && arrivalTime!!.plus(serviceDuration).isAfter(maxEndTime))

    val serviceFinishedDelayInMinutes: Long
        get() {
            if (arrivalTime == null) {
                return 0
            return Duration.between(maxEndTime, arrivalTime!!.plus(serviceDuration)).toMinutes()

    val drivingTimeSecondsFromPreviousStandstill: Long
        get() {
            if (vehicle == null) {
                throw IllegalStateException(
                    "This method must not be called when the shadow variables are not initialized yet."
            if (previousVisit == null) {
                return vehicle!!.homeLocation.getDrivingTimeTo(location)
            return previousVisit!!.location.getDrivingTimeTo((location))

    override fun toString(): String {
        return id

Some methods are annotated with @InverseRelationShadowVariable, @PreviousElementShadowVariable, @NextElementShadowVariable, and @ShadowVariable. They are called shadow variables, and because Timefold Solver changes them, Visit is a planning entity:


The method getVehicle() has an @InverseRelationShadowVariable annotation, creating a bi-directional relationship with the Vehicle. The function returns a reference to the Vehicle where the visit is scheduled. Let’s say the visit Ann was scheduled to the vehicle V1 during the solving process. The method returns a reference of V1.

The methods getPreviousVisit() and getNextVisit() are annotated with @PreviousElementShadowVariable and @NextElementShadowVariable, respectively. The method returns a reference of the previous and next visit of the current visit instance. Assuming that vehicle V1 is assigned the visits of Ann, Beth, and Carl, the getNextVisit() method returns Carl, and the getPreviousVisit() method returns Ann for the visit of Beth.

The method getArrivalTime() has two @ShadowVariable annotations, one per each variable: vehicle and previousVisit. The solver triggers ArrivalTimeUpdatingVariableListener to update arrivalTime field every time the fields vehicle or previousVisit get updated.

The Visit class has an @PlanningEntity annotation but no genuine variables and is called shadow entity.

  • Java

  • Kotlin

Create the src/main/java/org/acme/vehiclerouting/solver/ class:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.solver;

import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.Objects;

import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.variable.VariableListener;
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.score.director.ScoreDirector;

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Visit;
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.VehicleRoutePlan;

public class ArrivalTimeUpdatingVariableListener implements VariableListener<VehicleRoutePlan, Visit> {

    private static final String ARRIVAL_TIME_FIELD = "arrivalTime";

    public void beforeVariableChanged(ScoreDirector<VehicleRoutePlan> scoreDirector, Visit visit) {


    public void afterVariableChanged(ScoreDirector<VehicleRoutePlan> scoreDirector, Visit visit) {
        if (visit.getVehicle() == null) {
            if (visit.getArrivalTime() != null) {
                scoreDirector.beforeVariableChanged(visit, ARRIVAL_TIME_FIELD);
                scoreDirector.afterVariableChanged(visit, ARRIVAL_TIME_FIELD);

        Visit previousVisit = visit.getPreviousVisit();
        LocalDateTime departureTime =
                previousVisit == null ? visit.getVehicle().getDepartureTime() : previousVisit.getDepartureTime();

        Visit nextVisit = visit;
        LocalDateTime arrivalTime = calculateArrivalTime(nextVisit, departureTime);
        while (nextVisit != null && !Objects.equals(nextVisit.getArrivalTime(), arrivalTime)) {
            scoreDirector.beforeVariableChanged(nextVisit, ARRIVAL_TIME_FIELD);
            scoreDirector.afterVariableChanged(nextVisit, ARRIVAL_TIME_FIELD);
            departureTime = nextVisit.getDepartureTime();
            nextVisit = nextVisit.getNextVisit();
            arrivalTime = calculateArrivalTime(nextVisit, departureTime);

    public void beforeEntityAdded(ScoreDirector<VehicleRoutePlan> scoreDirector, Visit visit) {


    public void afterEntityAdded(ScoreDirector<VehicleRoutePlan> scoreDirector, Visit visit) {


    public void beforeEntityRemoved(ScoreDirector<VehicleRoutePlan> scoreDirector, Visit visit) {


    public void afterEntityRemoved(ScoreDirector<VehicleRoutePlan> scoreDirector, Visit visit) {


    private LocalDateTime calculateArrivalTime(Visit visit, LocalDateTime previousDepartureTime) {
        if (visit == null || previousDepartureTime == null) {
            return null;
        return previousDepartureTime.plusSeconds(visit.getDrivingTimeSecondsFromPreviousStandstill());

Create the src/main/kotlin/org/acme/vehiclerouting/solver/ArrivalTimeUpdatingVariableListener.kt class:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.solver

import java.time.LocalDateTime

import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.variable.VariableListener
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.score.director.ScoreDirector

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Visit
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.VehicleRoutePlan

class ArrivalTimeUpdatingVariableListener : VariableListener<VehicleRoutePlan?, Visit> {

    override fun beforeVariableChanged(scoreDirector: ScoreDirector<VehicleRoutePlan?>, visit: Visit) {

    override fun afterVariableChanged(scoreDirector: ScoreDirector<VehicleRoutePlan?>, visit: Visit) {
        if (visit.getVehicle() == null) {
            if (visit.arrivalTime != null) {
                scoreDirector.beforeVariableChanged(visit, ARRIVAL_TIME_FIELD)
                visit.arrivalTime = null
                scoreDirector.afterVariableChanged(visit, ARRIVAL_TIME_FIELD)

        val previousVisit: Visit? = visit.previousVisit
        var departureTime: LocalDateTime? =
            if (previousVisit == null) visit.getVehicle()!!.departureTime else previousVisit.departureTime

        var nextVisit: Visit? = visit
        var arrivalTime = calculateArrivalTime(nextVisit, departureTime)
        while (nextVisit != null && nextVisit.arrivalTime != arrivalTime) {
            scoreDirector.beforeVariableChanged(nextVisit, ARRIVAL_TIME_FIELD)
            nextVisit.arrivalTime = arrivalTime
            scoreDirector.afterVariableChanged(nextVisit, ARRIVAL_TIME_FIELD)
            departureTime = nextVisit.departureTime
            nextVisit = nextVisit.nextVisit
            arrivalTime = calculateArrivalTime(nextVisit, departureTime)

    override fun beforeEntityAdded(scoreDirector: ScoreDirector<VehicleRoutePlan?>?, visit: Visit?) {

    override fun afterEntityAdded(scoreDirector: ScoreDirector<VehicleRoutePlan?>?, visit: Visit?) {

    override fun beforeEntityRemoved(scoreDirector: ScoreDirector<VehicleRoutePlan?>?, visit: Visit?) {

    override fun afterEntityRemoved(scoreDirector: ScoreDirector<VehicleRoutePlan?>?, visit: Visit?) {

    private fun calculateArrivalTime(visit: Visit?, previousDepartureTime: LocalDateTime?): LocalDateTime? {
        if (visit == null || previousDepartureTime == null) {
            return null
        return previousDepartureTime.plusSeconds(visit.drivingTimeSecondsFromPreviousStandstill)

    companion object {
        private const val ARRIVAL_TIME_FIELD = "arrivalTime"

6. Define the constraints and calculate the score

A score represents the quality of a specific solution. The higher the better. Timefold Solver looks for the best solution, which is the solution with the highest score found in the available time. It might be the optimal solution.

Because this use case has hard and soft constraints, use the HardSoftScore class to represent the score:

  • Hard constraints must not be broken. For example: The vehicle capacity must not be exceeded.

  • Soft constraints should not be broken. For example: The sum total of travel time.

Hard constraints are weighted against other hard constraints. Soft constraints are weighted too, against other soft constraints. Hard constraints always outweigh soft constraints, regardless of their respective weights.

To calculate the score, you could implement an EasyScoreCalculator class:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.solver;

import java.util.List;

import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.score.buildin.hardsoftlong.HardSoftLongScore;
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.score.calculator.EasyScoreCalculator;

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Vehicle;
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.VehicleRoutePlan;
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Visit;

public class VehicleRoutingEasyScoreCalculator implements EasyScoreCalculator<VehicleRoutePlan, HardSoftLongScore> {
    public HardSoftLongScore calculateScore(VehicleRoutePlan vehicleRoutePlan) {

        List<Vehicle> vehicleList = vehicleRoutePlan.getVehicles();

        int hardScore = 0;
        int softScore = 0;
        for (Vehicle vehicle : vehicleList) {

            // The demand exceeds the capacity
            if (vehicle.getVisits() != null && vehicle.getTotalDemand() > vehicle.getCapacity()) {
                hardScore -= vehicle.getTotalDemand() - vehicle.getCapacity();

            // Max end-time not met
            if (vehicle.getVisits() != null) {
                for (Visit visit: vehicle.getVisits()) {
                    if (visit.isServiceFinishedAfterMaxEndTime()) {
                        hardScore -= visit.getServiceFinishedDelayInMinutes();

            softScore -= (int) vehicle.getTotalDrivingTimeSeconds();

        return HardSoftLongScore.of(hardScore, softScore);
package org.acme.vehiclerouting.solver;

import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.score.buildin.hardsoftlong.HardSoftLongScore
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.score.calculator.EasyScoreCalculator

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Vehicle
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.VehicleRoutePlan

class VehicleRoutingEasyScoreCalculator :
    EasyScoreCalculator<VehicleRoutePlan, HardSoftLongScore> {
    override fun calculateScore(vehicleRoutePlan: VehicleRoutePlan): HardSoftLongScore {
        val vehicleList: List<Vehicle> = vehicleRoutePlan.vehicles!!

        var hardScore = 0
        var softScore = 0
        for (vehicle in vehicleList) {
            // The demand exceeds the capacity

            if (vehicle.visits != null && vehicle.totalDemand > vehicle.capacity) {
                hardScore -= (vehicle.totalDemand - vehicle.capacity).toInt()

            // Max end-time not met
            if (vehicle.visits != null) {
                for (visit in vehicle.visits!!) {
                    if (visit.isServiceFinishedAfterMaxEndTime) {
                        hardScore -= visit.serviceFinishedDelayInMinutes.toInt()

            softScore -= vehicle.totalDrivingTimeSeconds.toInt()

        return HardSoftLongScore.of(hardScore.toLong(), softScore.toLong())

Unfortunately that does not scale well, because it is non-incremental: every time a visit is scheduled to a different vehicle, all visits are re-evaluated to calculate the new score.

Instead, create a VehicleRoutingConstraintProvider class to perform incremental score calculation. It uses Timefold Solver’s Constraint Streams API which is inspired by Java Streams and SQL:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

Create a src/main/java/org/acme/vehiclerouting/solver/ class:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.solver;

import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.score.buildin.hardsoftlong.HardSoftLongScore;

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Visit;
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Vehicle;
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.solver.justifications.MinimizeTravelTimeJustification;
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.solver.justifications.ServiceFinishedAfterMaxEndTimeJustification;
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.solver.justifications.VehicleCapacityJustification;

public class VehicleRoutingConstraintProvider implements ConstraintProvider {

    public static final String VEHICLE_CAPACITY = "vehicleCapacity";
    public static final String SERVICE_FINISHED_AFTER_MAX_END_TIME = "serviceFinishedAfterMaxEndTime";
    public static final String MINIMIZE_TRAVEL_TIME = "minimizeTravelTime";

    public Constraint[] defineConstraints(ConstraintFactory factory) {
        return new Constraint[] {

    protected Constraint vehicleCapacity(ConstraintFactory factory) {
        return factory.forEach(Vehicle.class)
                .filter(vehicle -> vehicle.getTotalDemand() > vehicle.getCapacity())
                        vehicle -> vehicle.getTotalDemand() - vehicle.getCapacity())
                .justifyWith((vehicle, score) -> new VehicleCapacityJustification(vehicle.getId(), vehicle.getTotalDemand(),

    protected Constraint serviceFinishedAfterMaxEndTime(ConstraintFactory factory) {
        return factory.forEach(Visit.class)
                .justifyWith((visit, score) -> new ServiceFinishedAfterMaxEndTimeJustification(visit.getId(),

    protected Constraint minimizeTravelTime(ConstraintFactory factory) {
        return factory.forEach(Vehicle.class)
                .justifyWith((vehicle, score) -> new MinimizeTravelTimeJustification(vehicle.getId(),

Create a src/main/kotlin/org/acme/vehiclerouting/solver/VehicleRoutingConstraintProvider.kt class:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.solver

import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.score.buildin.hardsoftlong.HardSoftLongScore

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Visit
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Vehicle
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.solver.justifications.MinimizeTravelTimeJustification
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.solver.justifications.ServiceFinishedAfterMaxEndTimeJustification
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.solver.justifications.VehicleCapacityJustification

class VehicleRoutingConstraintProvider : ConstraintProvider {
    override fun defineConstraints(factory: ConstraintFactory): Array<Constraint> {
        return arrayOf(

    protected fun vehicleCapacity(factory: ConstraintFactory): Constraint {
        return factory.forEach(
            .filter({ vehicle: Vehicle -> vehicle.totalDemand > vehicle.capacity })
            ) { vehicle: Vehicle -> vehicle.totalDemand - vehicle.capacity }
            .justifyWith({ vehicle: Vehicle, score: HardSoftLongScore? ->
          , vehicle.totalDemand.toInt(),

    protected fun serviceFinishedAfterMaxEndTime(factory: ConstraintFactory): Constraint {
        return factory.forEach(
            .filter({ obj: Visit -> obj.isServiceFinishedAfterMaxEndTime })
                { obj: Visit -> obj.serviceFinishedDelayInMinutes })
            .justifyWith({ visit: Visit, score: HardSoftLongScore? ->

    protected fun minimizeTravelTime(factory: ConstraintFactory): Constraint {
        return factory.forEach(
                { obj: Vehicle -> obj.totalDrivingTimeSeconds })
            .justifyWith({ vehicle: Vehicle, score: HardSoftLongScore? ->

    companion object {
        const val VEHICLE_CAPACITY: String = "vehicleCapacity"
        const val SERVICE_FINISHED_AFTER_MAX_END_TIME: String = "serviceFinishedAfterMaxEndTime"
        const val MINIMIZE_TRAVEL_TIME: String = "minimizeTravelTime"

The ConstraintProvider scales much better than the EasyScoreCalculator: typically O(n) instead of O(n²).

7. Gather the domain objects in a planning solution

A VehicleRoutePlan wraps all Vehicle and Visit instances of a single dataset. Furthermore, because it contains all vehicles and visits, each with a specific planning variable state, it is a planning solution and it has a score:

  • If visits are still unassigned, then it is an uninitialized solution, for example, a solution with the score -4init/0hard/0soft.

  • If it breaks hard constraints, then it is an infeasible solution, for example, a solution with the score -2hard/-3soft.

  • If it adheres to all hard constraints, then it is a feasible solution, for example, a solution with the score 0hard/-7soft.

  • Java

  • Kotlin

Create the src/main/java/org/acme/vehiclerouting/domain/ class:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain;

import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.List;

import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.solution.PlanningEntityCollectionProperty;
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.solution.PlanningScore;
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.solution.PlanningSolution;
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.valuerange.ValueRangeProvider;
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.score.buildin.hardsoftlong.HardSoftLongScore;
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.solver.SolverStatus;

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.geo.DrivingTimeCalculator;
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.geo.HaversineDrivingTimeCalculator;

public class VehicleRoutePlan {

    private String name;

    private Location southWestCorner;
    private Location northEastCorner;

    private LocalDateTime startDateTime;

    private LocalDateTime endDateTime;

    private List<Vehicle> vehicles;

    private List<Visit> visits;

    private HardSoftLongScore score;

    private SolverStatus solverStatus;

    private String scoreExplanation;

    public VehicleRoutePlan() {

    public VehicleRoutePlan(String name, HardSoftLongScore score, SolverStatus solverStatus) { = name;
        this.score = score;
        this.solverStatus = solverStatus;

    public VehicleRoutePlan(String name,
            Location southWestCorner,
            Location northEastCorner,
            LocalDateTime startDateTime,
            LocalDateTime endDateTime,
            List<Vehicle> vehicles,
            List<Visit> visits) { = name;
        this.southWestCorner = southWestCorner;
        this.northEastCorner = northEastCorner;
        this.startDateTime = startDateTime;
        this.endDateTime = endDateTime;
        this.vehicles = vehicles;
        this.visits = visits;
        List<Location> locations = Stream.concat(

        DrivingTimeCalculator drivingTimeCalculator = HaversineDrivingTimeCalculator.getInstance();

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public Location getSouthWestCorner() {
        return southWestCorner;

    public Location getNorthEastCorner() {
        return northEastCorner;

    public LocalDateTime getStartDateTime() {
        return startDateTime;

    public LocalDateTime getEndDateTime() {
        return endDateTime;

    public List<Vehicle> getVehicles() {
        return vehicles;

    public List<Visit> getVisits() {
        return visits;

    public HardSoftLongScore getScore() {
        return score;

    public void setScore(HardSoftLongScore score) {
        this.score = score;

    public long getTotalDrivingTimeSeconds() {
        return vehicles == null ? 0 :;

    public SolverStatus getSolverStatus() {
        return solverStatus;

    public void setSolverStatus(SolverStatus solverStatus) {
        this.solverStatus = solverStatus;

    public String getScoreExplanation() {
        return scoreExplanation;

    public void setScoreExplanation(String scoreExplanation) {
        this.scoreExplanation = scoreExplanation;

Create the src/main/kotlin/org/acme/vehiclerouting/domain/VehicleRoutePlan.kt class:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain;

import java.time.LocalDateTime

import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.solution.PlanningEntityCollectionProperty
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.solution.PlanningScore
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.solution.PlanningSolution
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.domain.valuerange.ValueRangeProvider
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.score.buildin.hardsoftlong.HardSoftLongScore
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.solver.SolverStatus

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.geo.DrivingTimeCalculator
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.geo.HaversineDrivingTimeCalculator

class VehicleRoutePlan {
    lateinit var name: String
    var southWestCorner: Location? = null
        private set
    var northEastCorner: Location? = null
        private set
    var startDateTime: LocalDateTime? = null
        private set
    var endDateTime: LocalDateTime? = null
        private set

    var vehicles: List<Vehicle>? = null
        private set

    var visits: List<Visit>? = null
        private set

    var score: HardSoftLongScore? = null

    var solverStatus: SolverStatus? = null

    var scoreExplanation: String? = null


    constructor(name: String, score: HardSoftLongScore?, solverStatus: SolverStatus?) { = name
        this.score = score
        this.solverStatus = solverStatus

        name: String,
        southWestCorner: Location?,
        northEastCorner: Location?,
        startDateTime: LocalDateTime?,
        endDateTime: LocalDateTime?,
        vehicles: List<Vehicle>,
        visits: List<Visit>
    ) { = name
        this.southWestCorner = southWestCorner
        this.northEastCorner = northEastCorner
        this.startDateTime = startDateTime
        this.endDateTime = endDateTime
        this.vehicles = vehicles
        this.visits = visits
        val locations = Stream.concat(
  { obj: Vehicle -> obj.homeLocation }),
  { obj: Visit -> obj.location })

        val drivingTimeCalculator: DrivingTimeCalculator = HaversineDrivingTimeCalculator.INSTANCE

    val totalDrivingTimeSeconds: Long
        get() = if (vehicles == null) 0 else vehicles!!.stream()
            .mapToLong({ obj: Vehicle -> obj.totalDrivingTimeSeconds }).sum()

The VehicleRoutePlan class has an @PlanningSolution annotation, so Timefold Solver knows that this class contains all of the input and output data.

Specifically, these classes are the input of the problem:

  • The vehicles field with all vehicles

    • This is a list of planning entities, because they change during solving.

    • For each Vehicle:

      • The value of the visits is typically still empty, so unassigned. It is a planning variable.

      • The other fields, such as capacity, homeLocation and departureTime, are filled in. These fields are problem properties.

  • The visits field with all visits

    • This is a list of planning entities, because they change during solving.

    • For each Visit:

      • The values of vehicle, previousVisit, nextVisit, arrivalTime are typically still null for a fresh solution. They are planning shadow variables.

      • The other fields, such as name, location and demand, are filled in. These fields are problem properties.

However, this class is also the output of the solution:

  • The vehicles field for which each Vehicle instance has non-null visits field after solving.

  • The score field that represents the quality of the output solution, for example, 0hard/-5soft.

7.1. The value range providers

The visits field is a value range provider. It holds the Visit instances which Timefold Solver can pick from to assign to the visits field of Vehicle instances. The visits field has an @ValueRangeProvider annotation to connect the @PlanningListVariable with the @ValueRangeProvider, by matching the type of the planning list variable with the type returned by the value range provider.

7.2. Distance calculation

The distance calculation method applies the Haversine approach, which measures distances in meters. First create a contract for driving time calculation:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

Create the src/main/java/org/acme/vehiclerouting/domain/geo/ interface:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.geo;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Location;

public interface DrivingTimeCalculator {

    long calculateDrivingTime(Location from, Location to);

    default Map<Location, Map<Location, Long>> calculateBulkDrivingTime(
            Collection<Location> fromLocations,
            Collection<Location> toLocations) {
                from ->
                        to -> calculateDrivingTime(from, to)))));

    default void initDrivingTimeMaps(Collection<Location> locations) {
        Map<Location, Map<Location, Long>> drivingTimeMatrix = calculateBulkDrivingTime(locations, locations);
        locations.forEach(location -> location.setDrivingTimeSeconds(drivingTimeMatrix.get(location)));

Create the src/main/kotlin/org/acme/vehiclerouting/domain/geo/DrivingTimeCalculator.kt interface:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.geo

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Location
import java.util.function.Function

interface DrivingTimeCalculator {

    fun calculateDrivingTime(from: Location, to: Location): Long

    fun calculateBulkDrivingTime(
        fromLocations: Collection<Location>,
        toLocations: Collection<Location>
    ): Map<Location, Map<Location, Long>> {
            ) { from: Location ->
                            { to: Location ->

    fun initDrivingTimeMaps(locations: Collection<Location>) {
        val drivingTimeMatrix = calculateBulkDrivingTime(locations, locations)
        locations.forEach { location: Location ->
            location.drivingTimeSeconds = drivingTimeMatrix[location]

Then create an implementation using Haversine method:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

Create the src/main/java/org/acme/vehiclerouting/domain/geo/ class:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.geo;

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Location;

public final class HaversineDrivingTimeCalculator implements DrivingTimeCalculator {

    private static final HaversineDrivingTimeCalculator INSTANCE = new HaversineDrivingTimeCalculator();

    public static final int AVERAGE_SPEED_KMPH = 50;

    private static final int EARTH_RADIUS_IN_M = 6371000;
    private static final int TWICE_EARTH_RADIUS_IN_M = 2 * EARTH_RADIUS_IN_M;

    static long metersToDrivingSeconds(long meters) {
        return Math.round((double) meters / AVERAGE_SPEED_KMPH * 3.6);

    public static synchronized HaversineDrivingTimeCalculator getInstance() {
        return INSTANCE;

    private HaversineDrivingTimeCalculator() {

    public long calculateDrivingTime(Location from, Location to) {
        if (from.equals(to)) {
            return 0L;

        CartesianCoordinate fromCartesian = locationToCartesian(from);
        CartesianCoordinate toCartesian = locationToCartesian(to);
        return metersToDrivingSeconds(calculateDistance(fromCartesian, toCartesian));

    private long calculateDistance(CartesianCoordinate from, CartesianCoordinate to) {
        if (from.equals(to)) {
            return 0L;

        double dX = from.x - to.x;
        double dY = from.y - to.y;
        double dZ = from.z - to.z;
        double r = Math.sqrt((dX * dX) + (dY * dY) + (dZ * dZ));
        return Math.round(TWICE_EARTH_RADIUS_IN_M * Math.asin(r));

    private CartesianCoordinate locationToCartesian(Location location) {
        double latitudeInRads = Math.toRadians(location.getLatitude());
        double longitudeInRads = Math.toRadians(location.getLongitude());
        // Cartesian coordinates, normalized for a sphere of diameter 1.0
        double cartesianX = 0.5 * Math.cos(latitudeInRads) * Math.sin(longitudeInRads);
        double cartesianY = 0.5 * Math.cos(latitudeInRads) * Math.cos(longitudeInRads);
        double cartesianZ = 0.5 * Math.sin(latitudeInRads);
        return new CartesianCoordinate(cartesianX, cartesianY, cartesianZ);

    private record CartesianCoordinate(double x, double y, double z) {


Create the src/main/kotlin/org/acme/vehiclerouting/domain/geo/HaversineDrivingTimeCalculator.kt class:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.geo

import kotlin.math.asin
import kotlin.math.sqrt
import kotlin.math.cos
import kotlin.math.sin

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Location

class HaversineDrivingTimeCalculator private constructor() : DrivingTimeCalculator {
    override fun calculateDrivingTime(from: Location, to: Location): Long {
        if (from == to) {
            return 0L

        val fromCartesian = locationToCartesian(from)
        val toCartesian = locationToCartesian(to)
        return metersToDrivingSeconds(calculateDistance(fromCartesian, toCartesian))

    private fun calculateDistance(from: CartesianCoordinate, to: CartesianCoordinate): Long {
        if (from == to) {
            return 0L

        val dX = from.x - to.x
        val dY = from.y - to.y
        val dZ = from.z - to.z
        val r: Double = sqrt((dX * dX) + (dY * dY) + (dZ * dZ))
        return Math.round(TWICE_EARTH_RADIUS_IN_M * asin(r))

    private fun locationToCartesian(location: Location): CartesianCoordinate {
        val latitudeInRads = Math.toRadians(location.latitude)
        val longitudeInRads = Math.toRadians(location.longitude)
        // Cartesian coordinates, normalized for a sphere of diameter 1.0
        val cartesianX: Double = 0.5 * cos(latitudeInRads) * sin(longitudeInRads)
        val cartesianY: Double = 0.5 * cos(latitudeInRads) * cos(longitudeInRads)
        val cartesianZ: Double = 0.5 * sin(latitudeInRads)
        return CartesianCoordinate(cartesianX, cartesianY, cartesianZ)

    private data class CartesianCoordinate(val x: Double, val y: Double, val z: Double)
    companion object {
        val INSTANCE: HaversineDrivingTimeCalculator = HaversineDrivingTimeCalculator()

        const val AVERAGE_SPEED_KMPH: Int = 50

        private const val EARTH_RADIUS_IN_M = 6371000
        private const val TWICE_EARTH_RADIUS_IN_M = 2 * EARTH_RADIUS_IN_M

        fun metersToDrivingSeconds(meters: Long): Long {
            return Math.round(meters.toDouble() / AVERAGE_SPEED_KMPH * 3.6)

8. Create the solver service

Now you are ready to put everything together and create a REST service. But solving planning problems on REST threads causes HTTP timeout issues. Therefore, the Quarkus extension injects a SolverManager instance, which runs solvers in a separate thread pool and can solve multiple datasets in parallel.

  • Java

  • Kotlin

Create the src/main/java/org/acme/vehiclerouting/rest/ class:


import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

import jakarta.inject.Inject;

import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.solver.SolverJob;
import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.solver.SolverManager;

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.VehicleRoutePlan;

public class VehicleRoutePlanResource {

    private final SolverManager<VehicleRoutePlan, String> solverManager;

    public VehicleRoutePlanResource() {
        this.solverManager = null;

    public VehicleRoutePlanResource(SolverManager<VehicleRoutePlan, String> solverManager) {
        this.solverManager = solverManager;

    @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
    public VehicleRoutePlan solve(VehicleRoutePlan problem) {
        String jobId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        SolverJob<VehicleRoutePlan, String> solverJob = solverManager.solveBuilder()
        VehicleRoutePlan solution;
        try {
            // Wait until the solving ends
            solution = solverJob.getFinalBestSolution();
        } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Solving failed.", e);
        return solution;

Create the src/main/kotlin/org/acme/vehiclerouting/rest/VehicleRoutePlanResource.kt class:


import java.util.UUID
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException

import jakarta.inject.Inject

import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.solver.SolverManager

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.VehicleRoutePlan

class VehicleRoutePlanResource {
    private val solverManager: SolverManager<VehicleRoutePlan, String>?

    constructor() {
        this.solverManager = null

    constructor(solverManager: SolverManager<VehicleRoutePlan, String>?) {
        this.solverManager = solverManager

    fun solve(problem: VehicleRoutePlan): VehicleRoutePlan {
        val jobId = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
        val solverJob = solverManager!!.solveBuilder()
        val solution: VehicleRoutePlan
        try {
            // Wait until the solving ends
            solution = solverJob.finalBestSolution
        } catch (e: InterruptedException) {
            throw IllegalStateException("Solving failed.", e)
        } catch (e: ExecutionException) {
            throw IllegalStateException("Solving failed.", e)
        return solution

For simplicity’s sake, this initial implementation waits for the solver to finish, which can still cause an HTTP timeout. The complete implementation avoids HTTP timeouts much more elegantly.

9. Set the termination time

Without a termination setting or a terminationEarly() event, the solver runs forever. To avoid that, limit the solving time to five seconds. That is short enough to avoid the HTTP timeout.

Create the src/main/resources/ file:

# The solver runs only for 5 seconds to avoid a HTTP timeout in this simple implementation.
# It's recommended to run for at least 5 minutes ("5m") otherwise.

Timefold Solver returns the best solution found in the available termination time. Due to the nature of NP-hard problems, the best solution might not be optimal, especially for larger datasets. Increase the termination time to potentially find a better solution.

10. Run the application

First start the application:

$ mvn compile quarkus:dev

10.1. Try the application

Now that the application is running, you can test the REST service. You can use any REST client you wish. The following example uses the Linux command curl to send a POST request:

$ curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8080/route-plans/solve -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"name":"demo","southWestCorner":[39.7656099067391,-76.83782328143754],"northEastCorner":[40.77636644354855,-74.9300739430771],"startDateTime":"2024-02-10T07:30:00","endDateTime":"2024-02-11T00:00:00","vehicles":[{"id":"1","capacity":15,"homeLocation":[40.605994321126936,-75.68106859680056],"departureTime":"2024-02-10T07:30:00","visits":[],"totalDrivingTimeSeconds":0,"totalDemand":0,"arrivalTime":"2024-02-10T07:30:00"},{"id":"2","capacity":25,"homeLocation":[40.32196770776356,-75.69785667307953],"departureTime":"2024-02-10T07:30:00","visits":[],"totalDrivingTimeSeconds":0,"totalDemand":0,"arrivalTime":"2024-02-10T07:30:00"}],"visits":[{"id":"1","name":"Dan Green","location":[40.76104493121754,-75.16056341466826],"demand":1,"minStartTime":"2024-02-10T13:00:00","maxEndTime":"2024-02-10T18:00:00","serviceDuration":1200.000000000,"vehicle":null,"previousVisit":null,"nextVisit":null,"arrivalTime":null,"startServiceTime":null,"departureTime":null,"drivingTimeSecondsFromPreviousStandstill":null},{"id":"2","name":"Ivy King","location":[40.13754381024318,-75.492526629236],"demand":1,"minStartTime":"2024-02-10T13:00:00","maxEndTime":"2024-02-10T18:00:00","serviceDuration":1200.000000000,"vehicle":null,"previousVisit":null,"nextVisit":null,"arrivalTime":null,"startServiceTime":null,"departureTime":null,"drivingTimeSecondsFromPreviousStandstill":null},{"id":"3","name":"Flo Li","location":[39.87122455090297,-75.64520072015769],"demand":2,"minStartTime":"2024-02-10T08:00:00","maxEndTime":"2024-02-10T12:00:00","serviceDuration":600.000000000,"vehicle":null,"previousVisit":null,"nextVisit":null,"arrivalTime":null,"startServiceTime":null,"departureTime":null,"drivingTimeSecondsFromPreviousStandstill":null},{"id":"4","name":"Flo Cole","location":[40.46124744193433,-75.18250987609025],"demand":1,"minStartTime":"2024-02-10T13:00:00","maxEndTime":"2024-02-10T18:00:00","serviceDuration":2400.000000000,"vehicle":null,"previousVisit":null,"nextVisit":null,"arrivalTime":null,"startServiceTime":null,"departureTime":null,"drivingTimeSecondsFromPreviousStandstill":null},{"id":"5","name":"Carl Green","location":[40.61352381171549,-75.83301278355529],"demand":1,"minStartTime":"2024-02-10T08:00:00","maxEndTime":"2024-02-10T12:00:00","serviceDuration":1800.000000000,"vehicle":null,"previousVisit":null,"nextVisit":null,"arrivalTime":null,"startServiceTime":null,"departureTime":null,"drivingTimeSecondsFromPreviousStandstill":null}],"totalDrivingTimeSeconds":0}'

After about five seconds, according to the termination spent time defined in your, the service returns an output similar to the following example:

HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json

{"name":"demo","southWestCorner":[39.7656099067391,-76.83782328143754],"northEastCorner":[40.77636644354855,-74.9300739430771],"startDateTime":"2024-02-10T07:30:00","endDateTime":"2024-02-11T00:00:00","vehicles":[{"id":"1","capacity":15,"homeLocation":[40.605994321126936,-75.68106859680056],"departureTime":"2024-02-10T07:30:00","visits":["5","1","4"],"arrivalTime":"2024-02-10T15:34:11","totalDemand":3,"totalDrivingTimeSeconds":10826},{"id":"2","capacity":25,"homeLocation":[40.32196770776356,-75.69785667307953],"departureTime":"2024-02-10T07:30:00","visits":["3","2"],"arrivalTime":"2024-02-10T13:52:18","totalDemand":3,"totalDrivingTimeSeconds":7890}],"visits":[{"id":"1","name":"Dan Green","location":[40.76104493121754,-75.16056341466826],"demand":1,"minStartTime":"2024-02-10T13:00:00","maxEndTime":"2024-02-10T18:00:00","serviceDuration":1200.000000000,"vehicle":"1","previousVisit":"5","nextVisit":"4","arrivalTime":"2024-02-10T09:40:50","startServiceTime":"2024-02-10T13:00:00","departureTime":"2024-02-10T13:20:00","drivingTimeSecondsFromPreviousStandstill":4250},{"id":"2","name":"Ivy King","location":[40.13754381024318,-75.492526629236],"demand":1,"minStartTime":"2024-02-10T13:00:00","maxEndTime":"2024-02-10T18:00:00","serviceDuration":1200.000000000,"vehicle":"2","previousVisit":"3","nextVisit":null,"arrivalTime":"2024-02-10T09:19:12","startServiceTime":"2024-02-10T13:00:00","departureTime":"2024-02-10T13:20:00","drivingTimeSecondsFromPreviousStandstill":2329},{"id":"3","name":"Flo Li","location":[39.87122455090297,-75.64520072015769],"demand":2,"minStartTime":"2024-02-10T08:00:00","maxEndTime":"2024-02-10T12:00:00","serviceDuration":600.000000000,"vehicle":"2","previousVisit":null,"nextVisit":"2","arrivalTime":"2024-02-10T08:30:23","startServiceTime":"2024-02-10T08:30:23","departureTime":"2024-02-10T08:40:23","drivingTimeSecondsFromPreviousStandstill":3623},{"id":"4","name":"Flo Cole","location":[40.46124744193433,-75.18250987609025],"demand":1,"minStartTime":"2024-02-10T13:00:00","maxEndTime":"2024-02-10T18:00:00","serviceDuration":2400.000000000,"vehicle":"1","previousVisit":"1","nextVisit":null,"arrivalTime":"2024-02-10T14:00:04","startServiceTime":"2024-02-10T14:00:04","departureTime":"2024-02-10T14:40:04","drivingTimeSecondsFromPreviousStandstill":2404},{"id":"5","name":"Carl Green","location":[40.61352381171549,-75.83301278355529],"demand":1,"minStartTime":"2024-02-10T08:00:00","maxEndTime":"2024-02-10T12:00:00","serviceDuration":1800.000000000,"vehicle":"1","previousVisit":null,"nextVisit":"1","arrivalTime":"2024-02-10T07:45:25","startServiceTime":"2024-02-10T08:00:00","departureTime":"2024-02-10T08:30:00","drivingTimeSecondsFromPreviousStandstill":925}],"score":"0hard/-18716soft","totalDrivingTimeSeconds":18716}

Notice that your application assigned all five visits to one of the two vehicles. Also notice that it conforms to all hard constraints. For example, visits 1, 4, and 5 were scheduled to the vehicle 1.

On the server side, the info log shows what Timefold Solver did in those five seconds:

... Solving started: time spent (17), best score (-5init/0hard/0soft), environment mode (REPRODUCIBLE), move thread count (NONE), random (JDK with seed 0).
... Construction Heuristic phase (0) ended: time spent (33), best score (0hard/-18755soft), move evaluation speed (2222/sec), step total (5).
... Local Search phase (1) ended: time spent (5000), best score (0hard/-18716soft), move evaluation speed (89685/sec), step total (40343).
... Solving ended: time spent (5000), best score (0hard/-18716soft), move evaluation speed (89079/sec), phase total (2), environment mode (REPRODUCIBLE), move thread count (NONE).

10.2. Test the application

A good application includes test coverage.

10.2.1. Test the constraints

To test each constraint in isolation, use a ConstraintVerifier in unit tests. It tests each constraint’s corner cases in isolation from the other tests, which lowers maintenance when adding a new constraint with proper test coverage.

First update your build tool configuration:

Add a timefold-solver-test dependency in your pom.xml:


Then create the test itself:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

Create the src/test/java/org/acme/vehiclerouting/solver/ class:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.solver;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.util.Arrays;

import jakarta.inject.Inject;


import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Location;
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Vehicle;
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.VehicleRoutePlan;
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Visit;
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.geo.HaversineDrivingTimeCalculator;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusTest;

class VehicleRoutingConstraintProviderTest {

     * LOCATION_1 to LOCATION_2 is approx. 11713 m ~843 seconds of driving time
     * LOCATION_2 to LOCATION_3 is approx. 8880 m ~639 seconds of driving time
     * LOCATION_1 to LOCATION_3 is approx. 13075 m ~941 seconds of driving time
    private static final Location LOCATION_1 = new Location(49.288087, 16.562172);
    private static final Location LOCATION_2 = new Location(49.190922, 16.624466);
    private static final Location LOCATION_3 = new Location(49.1767533245638, 16.50422914190477);

    private static final LocalDate TOMORROW =;
    ConstraintVerifier<VehicleRoutingConstraintProvider, VehicleRoutePlan> constraintVerifier;

    static void initDrivingTimeMaps() {
        HaversineDrivingTimeCalculator.getInstance().initDrivingTimeMaps(Arrays.asList(LOCATION_1, LOCATION_2, LOCATION_3));

    void vehicleCapacityPenalized() {
        LocalDateTime tomorrow_07_00 = LocalDateTime.of(TOMORROW, LocalTime.of(7, 0));
        LocalDateTime tomorrow_08_00 = LocalDateTime.of(TOMORROW, LocalTime.of(8, 0));
        LocalDateTime tomorrow_10_00 = LocalDateTime.of(TOMORROW, LocalTime.of(10, 0));
        Vehicle vehicleA = new Vehicle("1", 100, LOCATION_1, tomorrow_07_00);
        Visit visit1 = new Visit("2", "John", LOCATION_2, 80, tomorrow_08_00, tomorrow_10_00, Duration.ofMinutes(30L));
        Visit visit2 = new Visit("3", "Paul", LOCATION_3, 40, tomorrow_08_00, tomorrow_10_00, Duration.ofMinutes(30L));

                .given(vehicleA, visit1, visit2)

Create the src/test/kotlin/org/acme/schooltimetabling/solver/TimetableConstraintProviderTest.kt class:

package org.acme.vehiclerouting.solver;

import java.time.Duration
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.LocalTime
import java.util.Arrays

import jakarta.inject.Inject


import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Location
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Vehicle
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.VehicleRoutePlan
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.Visit
import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.geo.HaversineDrivingTimeCalculator
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test

import io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusTest

internal class VehicleRoutingConstraintProviderTest {

    lateinit var constraintVerifier: ConstraintVerifier<VehicleRoutingConstraintProvider, VehicleRoutePlan>

    fun vehicleCapacityPenalized() {
        val tomorrow_07_00 = LocalDateTime.of(TOMORROW, LocalTime.of(7, 0))
        val tomorrow_08_00 = LocalDateTime.of(TOMORROW, LocalTime.of(8, 0))
        val tomorrow_10_00 = LocalDateTime.of(TOMORROW, LocalTime.of(10, 0))
        val vehicleA = Vehicle("1", 100, LOCATION_1, tomorrow_07_00)
        val visit1 = Visit("2", "John", LOCATION_2, 80, tomorrow_08_00, tomorrow_10_00, Duration.ofMinutes(30L))
        val visit2 = Visit("3", "Paul", LOCATION_3, 40, tomorrow_08_00, tomorrow_10_00, Duration.ofMinutes(30L))

        constraintVerifier!!.verifyThat { obj: VehicleRoutingConstraintProvider, factory: ConstraintFactory? ->
            .given(vehicleA, visit1, visit2)

    companion object {
     * LOCATION_1 to LOCATION_2 is approx. 11713 m ~843 seconds of driving time
     * LOCATION_2 to LOCATION_3 is approx. 8880 m ~639 seconds of driving time
     * LOCATION_1 to LOCATION_3 is approx. 13075 m ~941 seconds of driving time
        private val LOCATION_1 = Location(49.288087, 16.562172)
        private val LOCATION_2 = Location(49.190922, 16.624466)
        private val LOCATION_3 = Location(49.1767533245638, 16.50422914190477)

        private val TOMORROW: LocalDate =
        fun initDrivingTimeMaps() {
                    LOCATION_1, LOCATION_2, LOCATION_3

This test verifies that the constraint VehicleRoutingConstraintProvider::vehicleCapacity, when given two visits assigned to the same vehicle, penalizes with a match weight of 20 (exceeded capacity). So with a constraint weight of 20hard it would reduce the score by -20hard.

Notice how ConstraintVerifier ignores the constraint weight during testing - even if those constraint weights are hard coded in the ConstraintProvider - because constraints weights change regularly before going into production. This way, constraint weight tweaking does not break the unit tests.

10.2.2. Test the solver

In a JUnit test, generate a test dataset and send it to the VehicleRoutePlanResource to solve.

Add some dependencies in your pom.xml:


Then create the test itself:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

Create the src/test/java/org/acme/vehiclerouting/rest/ class:


import static io.restassured.RestAssured.get;
import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;
import static org.awaitility.Awaitility.await;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;

import java.time.Duration;

import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.solver.SolverStatus;

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.VehicleRoutePlan;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusTest;
import io.restassured.http.ContentType;

public class VehicleRoutePlanResourceTest {

    public void solveDemoDataUntilFeasible() {
        VehicleRoutePlan vehicleRoutePlan = given()

        String jobId = given()

                .until(() ->
                        get("/route-plans/" + jobId + "/status")

        VehicleRoutePlan solution = get("/route-plans/" + jobId).then().extract().as(VehicleRoutePlan.class);
        assertEquals(solution.getSolverStatus(), SolverStatus.NOT_SOLVING);

Create the src/test/kotlin/org/acme/vehiclerouting/rest/VehicleRoutePlanResourceTest.kt class:


import java.time.Duration

import ai.timefold.solver.core.api.solver.SolverStatus

import org.acme.vehiclerouting.domain.VehicleRoutePlan
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test

import io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusTest
import io.restassured.RestAssured
import io.restassured.http.ContentType

import org.awaitility.Awaitility

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue

class VehicleRoutePlanResourceTest {
    fun solveDemoDataUntilFeasible() {
        val vehicleRoutePlan = RestAssured.given()

        val jobId = RestAssured.given()

            .until {
       == RestAssured.get("/route-plans/$jobId/status")

        val solution = RestAssured.get("/route-plans/$jobId").then().extract().`as`(
        assertEquals(solution.solverStatus, SolverStatus.NOT_SOLVING)

This test verifies that after solving that it found a feasible solution (no hard constraints broken).

Add test properties to the src/main/resources/ file:


# Effectively disable spent-time termination in favor of the best-score-limit

Normally, the solver finds a feasible solution in less than 200 milliseconds. Notice how the overwrites the solver termination during tests to terminate as soon as a feasible solution (0hard/*soft) is found. This avoids hard coding a solver time, because the unit test might run on arbitrary hardware. This approach ensures that the test runs long enough to find a feasible solution, even on slow machines. But it does not run a millisecond longer than it strictly must, even on fast machines.

10.3. Logging

When adding constraints in your ConstraintProvider, keep an eye on the move evaluation speed in the info log, after solving for the same amount of time, to assess the performance impact:

... Solving ended: ..., move evaluation speed (29455/sec), ...

To understand how Timefold Solver is solving your problem internally, change the logging in the file or with a -D system property:


Use debug logging to show every step:

... Solving started: time spent (67), best score (-20init/0hard/0soft), environment mode (REPRODUCIBLE), random (JDK with seed 0).
...     CH step (0), time spent (128), score (-18init/0hard/0soft), selected move count (15), picked move ([Math(101) {null -> Room A}, Math(101) {null -> MONDAY 08:30}]).
...     CH step (1), time spent (145), score (-16init/0hard/0soft), selected move count (15), picked move ([Physics(102) {null -> Room A}, Physics(102) {null -> MONDAY 09:30}]).

Use trace logging to show every step and every move per step.

11. Summary

Congratulations! You have just developed a Quarkus application with Timefold!

For a full implementation with a web UI and in-memory storage, check out the Quarkus quickstart source code.